Puan Maharani Asks The Public To Be Calm In Dealing With Omicron, Strict Procedures Must Be Carried Out

JAKARTA - After the omicron variant became widespread in various countries, Indonesia finally got it too. Facing this reality, Puan Maharani asks the public not to panic. To members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who are in recess as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, he asked his constituents to implement strict procedures.

Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the public not to panic over the findings of the new variant of the Omicron COVID-19 that had been detected in Indonesia. "We urge people not to panic," said Puan.

The first case of Omicron was found in a patient who was a janitor at the Wisma Atlet Jakarta Hospital. Puan asked the public to remain calm with this finding. "The condition of the patient is currently in good health. The most important thing is that we must continue to take care of ourselves and our families by being disciplined in implementing health protocols," said Puan.

Puan asked the government, especially the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, to intensify "tracing" so that the virus does not spread further. "Currently it is not enough just to tighten the "screening". "Tracing" must be intensified to anticipate the spread of the Omicron variant," said Puan as reported by Antara.

In addition to the patient who has been confirmed positive for the new variant of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has detected five "probable" cases of Omicron. Two cases are Indonesian citizens who recently returned from the United States and Britain, and three cases are foreigners from China who came to Manado.

"Screening with RNA technology through the SGTF (S-gene target failure) system which can detect Omicron cases at the entrances to Indonesia is good, but it must be optimized to minimize imported cases," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture reminded the Ministry of Health and the COVID-19 Task Force to immediately take measures to prevent the Omicron case from spreading. Puan asked all parties to work together to control the pandemic condition in Indonesia so that it does not worsen again.

"Moreover, the Omicron case was discovered ahead of the 2022 Christmas and New Year holidays, which we fear will trigger additional COVID-19 cases. There must be special handling and do not let your guard down,” said Puan affirmed.

The cleaning staff of the Wisma Athlete Hospital confirmed by Omicron is known to have no history of traveling abroad. He is suspected to have contracted it from a patient who is undergoing quarantine.

"So it is very important to provide understanding to the public to always be vigilant and not ignore health protocols. Socialization must be carried out continuously and through various means, including social media,” said Puan, advised.

Puan reminded the regional government along with the security forces to be really alert to ensure that the mobility of the community during the Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays is conducive. Not only that, Puan asked local governments to speed up vaccination in their respective regions.

"Especially the implementation of vaccination for children aged 6-11 years so that children are increasingly safer from the threat of the Corona virus. Make sure health facilities and other medical needs are ready for the worst," said Puan Maharani.

Strict Proces

One positive case of COVID-19 due to transmission of variant B.1.1.529 or omicron was detected in Indonesia. Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin officially announced that the findings of the case were detected positive on Wednesday (15/12/2021) in a janitor on duty at the Wisma Atlet Hospital.

In order to prevent widespread transmission of the B.1.1.529 or Omicron variant which has been detected in these 77 countries, the chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, appealed to members of the House of Representatives who are starting to enter the Recess Period of the Second Session of the 2021-2022 Session Year starting Friday (17/02). 12), to participate in socializing the 5M and 3T health protocols in their respective electoral districts. "The public is advised to always apply the 5M and 3T health protocol discipline. That is our weapon," said Puan, Thursday (12/16/2021).

With the 5M process (wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility), Puan said that she would be able to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, including the new variant, Omicron, which is currently sweeping the world.

Besides that, it is also necessary to improve 3T (testing, tracing and treatment) and accelerate vaccination for early detection and early prevention of transmission. So that it can be immediately identified, handled and not spread.

Therefore, Puan Maharani also asked members of the DPR to ensure that in her constituency all people can easily access facilities and infrastructure in the context of preventing the transmission of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 variant.