Romanticism Soe Hok Gie

JAKARTA - The popularity of Soe Hok Gie has often angered the regime in power. His sharp criticism became naughty. However, his life is not always filled with serious problems. He is the same as the students of the University of Indonesia (UI) class of 60s who generally perpetuate the narrative of books, parties, and love. The Eve knew him as a romantic figure. The romantic side is in the form of action to the stanza of poetry. Therefore, Gie is considered the ideal figure. Even though Gie is known as a puritan in terms of love. Especially sex.

For students, idealism is the ultimate luxury. That view guides Gie's critical power in seeing injustice. Especially, when the issue concerns the livelihoods of many people. He takes advantage of many spaces to speak out – from the pulpit for demonstrations to writing in the mass media. The regime's policies that favored the rich were against it. The government is asked to be more concerned about the fate of the underprivileged. Gie continues the struggle, no matter what the risk. Even if life is at stake.

It is nothing. Gie views the struggle of a student like a savior cowboy. The analogy has developed among the students of class 66. One student is considered a cowboy who happens to stop at a village controlled by bandits.

Gie was touched to see the oppressed villagers. Therefore, the cowboys felt called to liberate the village. No one asked, let alone asked. It was just instinct, he said. When the struggle is successful, the rescue cowboy immediately leaves the city. He does not want to accept gifts, or positions. And Gie has practiced it in his life.

“Soe Hok Gie believes that the student action is a group movement that should be like a cowboy action. The movement is purely due to morals and the call of conscience, not for any other reason or expecting a return, for example to seek office and power.”

“After completing their mission, they should return to campus, continue their studies and pursue their respective careers. I think Hok Gie's thinking was inspired by the cowboy film Shane, starring Alan Ladd. This film was screened in the mid-1950s and was very popular. I've watched it myself and the story is similar to the cowboy story analogy that was conveyed," said Class 66 student, Firman Lubis in the book Jakarta 1950-1970 (2018).

Gie's sincerity in defending the lives of many people makes him considered a serious figure. In fact, Gie's figure is no different from ordinary students. Gie even looks like a UI student who likes book narration, parties, and love. Gie likes chatting with books, spending fun time with friends, and most importantly building romantic relationships with women.

The romance is increasingly visible to him the more he explores mountain climbing activities. This activity is done for self-actualization. He can get to know himself better. So is getting to know women. Moreover, the woman he loves has the same hobby as him: mountain climbing. After that, Gie's romantic side began to be perpetuated in the form of action, until it penetrated into the writing of a pen containing beautiful poetry.

“Among the members of Mapala there is an aspiration that if they find a mate who is a nature lover, they will honeymoon at the top of the mountain and 'listen to a forest birds concert.' A common sentence among Mapala members, when they daydream about marriage,” said Soe Hok Gie in the book Zaman Transition (2005).

Mount Semeru (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

romantic side

Gie always views women as equals. During his life, he had never looked down on women. Even when his best friend sounded harassing women, Gie did not hesitate to reprimand him. This attitude makes many Eves feel comfortable being friends and have a special relationship with Gie.

Gie's relationship with Nurmala Kartini Pandjaitan, for example. The woman who is familiarly called Ker is known to have a very close relationship with Gie. At that time Gie was 26 years old, while Ker was 18 years old. The age difference, especially the status – Gie as a teaching assistant and Ker as a student – did not hinder their close friendship. Ker learned a lot about student life from Gie. For him, Gie is a mentor in every way. Politics, music, literature, to film.

The younger brother of Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan also became a friend to climb Mount Gie. They often go up the mountain with Mapala UI. The activity of climbing the mountain brought the two of them closer together. Moreover, Ker –whose name in the book A Demonstrator's Notes is disguised as Sunarti- is often restless when climbing mountains. Later, Gie began to take on the role of Ker's closest person. He hugged Ker and comforted her in a calm voice.

“The longer I feel the closer to Hok Gie. If I don't meet one day, I will definitely look for it or I will ask my friends where Hok Gie is. Without seeing, meeting or chatting with him I felt something was missing from my day on campus. If you say I have a crush or fall in love, it doesn't really feel like it. As far as I remember, my eyes are still darting everywhere. Hok Gie for me is something that should be in my daily life.”

“Like food, Hok Gie is bread to me. Just that. He is my place to talk. I always tell all the contents of my stomach to Hok Gie. My annoyance at father, my sadness to see my mother who I think is sometimes too submissive to my husband, families who only watch sad episodes of a household without any real effort to solve it, family orthodoxy that has no basis, and or if I have a crush on someone, it must be me. tell me,” said Nurmala Kartini Pandjaitan in her book Rumah Janda (2014).

Whatever Ker told, Gie always tried to be a good listener. If he feels the need to comment, he comments. Otherwise he just listens. Gie's attitude was considered by Ker as something romantic.

Slowly but surely, the love for Gie grew. Ker likes Gie. But not for his family. The ethnic difference between Gie and Ker became an obstacle. Gie of Chinese descent. While Ker is from a conservative Batak family. Ker's parents would not agree. This means that their lives cannot be together.

In addition, Ker also finds out that Gie is actually in love with a child majoring in French literature, Maria. Ker does not know for sure when the two became. But according to Gie's account in his diary, the relationship has been going on for a year. The two are dating secretly, hiding from Maria's parents. In the end, the relationship did not last. The woman's parents again disagreed.

“I chatted and tried to make him aware of the new situation we were in. I would say that his further development is very much determined by his attitude. I show you two possibilities. First, fight from within, 'you musk ask your right to choose your boyfriend.' I said that this matter was a tough one, because he had to fight alone at home. If he didn't have the courage to fight for it then things would be difficult. I can only give my support,” said Soe Hok Gie in his story in the book A Demonstrator's Note (2011).

Mount Semeru (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Death picks up

Gie aspires to conquer the highest roof of Java: Semeru. He tries to make his dream come true. He wanted to celebrate his birthday on the highest peak of the island of Java, he said. As a result, the Ascent to Semeru became a big event for Gie in December 1969.

In the ascent bad events befall Gie. Breath becomes heavy. He had managed to taste being at the top of Mahameru, according to his dream. However, a sinister atmosphere ensued. all the climbers rushed down. But Gie didn't. In this decline, Soe Hok Gie's student, Rudy Badil, saw that he was already exhausted.

Gie seems to be sitting on the edge of the slope towards the peak of Semeru. He was pensive with his trademark: sitting with his chin propped up. He greeted Gie, and Gie greeted him by entrusting a pinch of pine leaves to be entrusted to the female students at his campus. As proof that they succeeded in climbing Semeru, as well as confirmation that he is a romantic figure.

"In the afternoon of Tuesday Pon, December 16, 1969 or 6 Shawwal 1390 Hijriah, on the edge of the slope near the peak of Semeru, Soe Hok Gie, who is 27 years old minus one day, sat half pensively. The young historian who is bachelor and thin but fit is still sitting pensively in his trademark style: sitting with his knees folded to his chest and his hands supporting his chin.”

“Soe smiled and said, 'Here, I'll leave it to you, take it and bring home the Semeru stone, a stone from the highest land in Java. Save it and give it to the girls,' he'd say." concluded Rudi Badil in the book Soe Hok Gie: Once Again (2009).

Even though his figure is gone, his romance still persists to this day. The magical power of his romanticism has even been sung many times by the younger generation. All thanks to the presence of a poem from his diary dated April 1, 1969. The poem is entitled A Tanya:

Eventually it will all come On an ordinary dayOnce upon a time we've known for a long time

Are you still speaking as softly as before? Asking me to drink milk and sleep well? While adjusting the neck of my shirt

(Thin mist slowly descends In the valley of love, the valley of the scented mendala You and I stand tall Seeing the forests becoming gloomy Permeating the caress of the wind that grows cold)

Do you still caress me as passionately as before? When I hug you, hold me closer, closer

(Lights flicker in lonely Jakarta The city of us both, old and sleepy in their dreams You and I talk Without words, without sound When the wet night covers our Jakarta

Are you still going to say I hear your heartbeat We are so different in all but love?

(The day turns to night I see everything turn gloomy Faces we don't know speak In a language we don't understand Like the mist that morning)

My sweet, I will go on Carrying memories and hopes Together with a life so blue

*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.