Densus 88 Arrest Suspected Terrorist In Medan Tuntungan

MEDAN - Anti-Terror Detachment 88 at the National Police Headquarters has arrested suspected terrorists in North Sumatra.

Based on the information obtained, the arrest of the suspected terrorist was also carried out by the Densus 88 Anti-Terror Team at the Police Headquarters in Medan City. The arrest of the suspected terrorist was carried out in Neighborhood XVIII, Mangga Village, Medan Tuntungan District.

Head of Environment XVIII, Mangga Village, Medan Tuntungan Sub-district, Yuda Prabowo, said that when he was about to conduct a search, he first went to the police.

"We don't know about the arrest. The officers said that there was a search on Jalan Kapas Raya and I came to accompany the officers and searched houses in the XVIII neighborhood," he said, Thursday, December 16.

According to Yuda, the search was carried out by officers at around 05.00 WIB.

"The search was carried out at around 05.00 WIB with civilian clothes and books, cellphones, account books and several other items secured," he said.

According to him, the suspected terrorist who was arrested by the Densus 88 team is known to be friendly and socialize with residents.

"D who was secured was friendly to socialize and the person was active in the community," he said

According to Yuda, D has lived on Jalan Kapas Raya with his wife and three children for about 2 years.

"He lived here for about 2 years. Previously, if I looked at his family card, he was from Johor," he continued.

In his daily life, D said Yuda is a honey seller. "If he sells honey everyday and is good in the neighborhood," he continued.

"However, when the search was carried out by dozens of plainclothes officers with approximately seven cars, residents were surprised to see it," continued Yuda.

"I was just accompanying. Before the search was carried out, the officer ordered D's wife to read the search warrant which was also witnessed by her 3 children," he said.