Ministry Of Village Forms Economic Transformation Program In 5 Provinces Of Eastern Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) Abdul Halim opened the Integrated Village Economic Transformation (TEKAD) program in 2021.

Mendes PDTT Abdul Halim Iskandar said the TEKAD program targets villages in provinces in Eastern Indonesia, namely Papua, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara.

The man who is familiarly called Gus Halim revealed that the main target of the development, he continued, was for the economic sustainability of rural communities towards a prosperous society.

"The target is to accelerate the increase in village residents, especially at the level of economic needs, food security, both vegetable and animal, so that our people's meat consumption increases," said Gus Halim in his statement, Thursday, December 16.

Gus Halim revealed, there are two things that are the focus of the Kemendes PDTT program, namely development programs and village-based empowerment programs, and transmigration areas and community empowerment programs.

"(In the 5 provinces) that alone already needs extra manpower, because the provinces are large, then the regions are also quite varied and have quite a lot of challenges," said Gus Halim.

He hopes that the TEKAD program will make a significant contribution to the welfare of rural communities and people in transmigration areas.

"Of course the similarity of vision and mission and commitment is not enough, it must be continued with concrete steps to achieve what is our common aspiration," he concluded.