Observer Predicts Airlangga Hartato Prepared To Be A Presidential Candidate In 2024

JAKARTA - It is predicted that the Golkar Party will carry its general chairman, Airlangga Hartarto, as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

This was conveyed by a senior researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Siti Zuhro. Moreover, as long as Airlangga leads Golkar, the party bearing the yellow banyan tree does not appear to have any internal conflicts.

Then, said Siti, while serving as Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Airlangga was also minimally criticized by the public, in other words, Airlangga was considered successful in carrying out his duties by the community.

"It seems that in welcoming 2024 Golkar will carry its own cadres. This Ketum (Airlangga Hartarto) seems to be prepared for the presidential election. Airlangga also doesn't cause any polemics. Even though the Omnibus Law is extraordinary but no one 'shoots' directly at Airlangga, so the person is very cool once," said Siti Zuhro, in a discussion held by Political & Public Studies Policy, Thursday, December 16.

Meanwhile, political communication expert from Pelita Harapan University, Emrus Sihombing, said that Airlangga already had the political capital to be nominated as a presidential candidate in 2024. He said that Airlangga had succeeded in leading Golkar and currently serves as Coordinating Minister for the Economy who has very broad insights both nationally and internationally. "The proposal for a presidential candidate is correct. Airlangga's network nationally and internationally is quite extensive. In the context of handling party leaders, everything can be embraced. Airlangga's success in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic has even succeeded in bringing the economy to continue to improve and the basic needs of the community (sembako) are still available, "said Emrus. On the same occasion, Director of Political and Public Policy Studies (P3S), Jerry Massie said, Airlangga has an advantage as a presidential candidate compared to other candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

Airlangga was able to bring Golkar to win big votes in the 2019 Election. Then he has measurable performance, qualified experience, has great potential to be elected by the public. The position of general chairman of a political party is also important.

In addition, Airlangga also has a track record in the legislature, having served as the head of a Commission in the DPR. While in the economic field, Airlangga has served as chairman of the Association of Indonesian Issuers.

"Golkar has a chance, Airlangga is in a coalition with whom is their secret part. The point is that Airlangga has shown his best leadership and performance so far," said Jerry.