Indonesia Still Attracts Hong Kong Investors, 2021 Investment Reaches US$ 3.1 Billion

BEIJING - Indonesia is still an attraction in the eyes of Hong Kong investors as the investment climate improves compared to several other Asian countries.

"In recent years, Hong Kong investors have focused on Indonesia," said Indonesian Consul General in Hong Kong Ricky Suhendar to Antara in Beijing, Thursday, December 16.

One of the investors in question is Road King Infrastructure Ltd., a Hong Kong company that works on several Trans-Java and Trans-Sumatra toll road projects.

There is also Combine Will Industrial Co Ltd, which has established a toy factory in Indonesia. Ricky said Hong Kong's investment in Indonesia in 2021 has reached US$3.1 billion (Rp44.5 trillion) or an increase of 25.98 percent compared to investment in 2020. .

Hong Kong is ranked second in foreign investment in Indonesia after Singapore. Hong Kong rose one place above China in foreign investment in Indonesia.

"Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the economic relations between Indonesia and Hong Kong during 2021 will continue to grow and are well established," said Ricky.