Want To Verify Twitter Account, Do This Way To Get Blue Tick

YOGYAKARTA - Twitter is the most used social media platform by various groups, ranging from ordinary people, public figures, to officials using Twitter to interact with their followers on social media.

However, many users use pseudonyms or other people's names for personal gain. Therefore, users can apply for account verification to Twitter, so that their followers can know your real account.

Later, Twitter accounts that have been verified will have a blue checkmark next to the username. That is also important, especially for people who have a large following on social media.

However, there are a number of conditions that must be met to get verification in the form of a blue checkmark on your Twitter account. Therefore, not all users can apply for verification.

In addition, Twitter has updated the requirements for submitting verification as of August 2021. However, you can still apply for account verification by following the steps that have been compiled by the VOI team below.

How to Apply for Twitter Account Verification

To get a blue tick next to your username, or to verify your Twitter account, you can fill in the details on your profile in full.

Enter your full name, profile photo, cover photo, website, and a brief biography.

Additionally, add a verified phone number and confirm your email address. Make sure the phone number on Twitter is the same as your email verification number so that it's easier to process.

Next, enter your place and date of birth, according to the identity card you have. Then set your Twitter tweet or post to "Public" or not private.

After filling in all the fields on your Twitter profile, visit the account verification form on Twitter, and fill in all the questions asked.

For the record, if you apply for personal account verification and not as a business account, users will be asked to include a copy of photo identification, such as an ID card or other.

If all the data you have entered is complete and valid, click the Submit icon at the bottom of the registration form. Users can also wait whether your application is approved by Twitter or not.

That was the way you can do to get account verification on Twitter. Approved accounts will get a blue tick icon next to the username, making it easier for you to interact with your followers.