The Governor Of Bank Indonesia Opens His Voice On The First Omicron Finding In Indonesia, This Is What He Says

JAKARTA - Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Perry Warjiyo, expressed his views on the first finding of the COVID-19 case of the Omicron variant in the country. According to Perry, the public must remain calm and believe in the government's handling efforts.

"We certainly believe under the leadership of the President and all officers that the steps that will be taken and will continue to be taken can ensure a good handling of COVID-19", he said in a virtual press conference after the Board of Governors' Meeting, Thursday, December 16.

Perry added, all parties must unite to minimize the impact of losses that could potentially be present in the future.

“Of course the world and we are following closely about this variant of the omicron. But let's put our faith in all government officials and medical personnel both at the center and in the regions so that we can support joint steps so that this variant can be controlled", he said.

Perry's statement is quite reasonable. The reason is, Indonesia had experienced considerable pressure due to the spread of the delta variant in the middle of this year. For this reason, mitigation efforts can be strengthened based on previous experience.

"Of course, Indonesia's success in controlling the delta variant by reducing it rapidly (the rate of transmission), and now the case can be controlled. Let's obey and discipline health protocols for the benefit of the community, nation, and state at large", he said.

As is known, the first case of Omicron or B.1.1.529 in Indonesia was announced directly by the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin today. Meanwhile, this case happened to a janitor who worked at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, Jakarta.