Ridwan Kamil Bans New Year Celebration 2022 In West Java, No Need To Picnic Anywhere

BANDUNG - West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil has banned all forms of New Year's Eve celebrations 2020 in the West Java region.

"We are still prohibited from celebrating the New Year in West Java. At hotels, in tourist destinations, in crowds, processions, parades are not allowed," said Ridwan Kamil in a press statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 16.

The West Java Provincial Government will increase vigilance and implement restrictions in various places during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Ridwan Kamil said, although the COVID-19 cases began to subside, the potential for transmission still existed. Therefore, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has improved, must continue to be maintained, especially during the Naru holiday.

"We are aware that where there is density and crowds, the potential will increase, so that even if it is not released (PPKM) level 3 according to the rules from A to Z, we will apply tightening," he said.

One of the restrictions that will be implemented is to prohibit various crowd activities at the turn of the year. This prohibition includes New Year's celebrations at hotels, tourist destinations, parades, and other crowded points.

He said the West Java Provincial Government would increase guard and security at tourist attractions. This step was taken to ensure that health protocols and the use of the Peduli Protect application could run optimally.

"Then it is mandatory and will implement security in tourism places. Because we have found that protective care is installed, but not practiced in the field, so we will tighten it with sanctions as well," said Ridwan Kamil.

In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) also issued Circular Letter Number 32 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Learning Ahead of the 2021 Christmas Holidays and the 2022 New Year in the context of COVID-19 Prevention and Management. There are seven points in the circular.

First, the local government in accordance with its authority annually stipulates an educational calendar that includes the start of the school year, effective study time arrangements, and holiday time arrangements.

Second, early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education units will continue to carry out learning, distribution of semester 1 (one) report cards, and school holidays for the 2021/2022 school year in accordance with the education calendar for the 2021/2022 school year that has been set as referred to in number 1.

Third, educational units are not allowed to add vacation time during the Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 periods outside of the semester holidays in the education calendar set by the regional government as referred to in number 2.

Fourth, educators and education staff in early childhood education, basic education and secondary education continue to carry out official duties in the education unit in accordance with the education calendar.

Fifth, maximize the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for educators, education staff, and students. Sixth, urge parents/guardians of students to allow and encourage their children who have met the terms and conditions to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Finally, implementing stricter health protocols (prokes) in education units with the 5M approach (wearing masks, washing hands with soap/hand sanitizer, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds) and 3T (testing, tracing, treatment).

"So it is hoped that parents will follow the schedule of their children who do not have holidays, so that these efforts reduce the potential for excessive movement," said Kang Emil.

"While urging him to have a happy vacation at home, there is no need to look for a picnic everywhere," he said.