7 Problems That Can Destroy Your Relationship

JAKARTA – Everyone has their own uniqueness. When two people commit to a romantic relationship, the expectations are long-lasting, happy, and romantic.

In certain situations, problems in love relationships are unavoidable. Although it is not wise to judge which one is right or wrong, the following basic issues often trigger major conflicts that cannot be easily suppressed.

1. Trust issues

Loss of trust is one of the triggers for the fire of jealousy that is difficult to extinguish. In addition, trust issues include possessive factors, emotional infidelity, physical infidelity, lack of emotional support, and no longer supporting each other.

A relationship without trust, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, December 16, is the most dangerous for long-term relationship success. Without trust, a bond that was originally strong loses anchor so that it has the potential to lose its way when sailing in the ocean of households.

2. Priority difference

The relationship of two people who are committed to being a couple, requires making each other a priority. In addition to priorities in the family, for example, the different priorities of a partner also triggers the growth of different expectations in a relationship.

So in addition to physical attraction, sexual arousal, socio-economic background, and personality connections, commitment to being a priority is an important aspect. If there is no mutual prioritization, it can become a big problem that triggers an argument.

3. Compatibility issues

Compatibility or compatibility issues include personality type, attachment style, intimacy, and perspective. If one of your partners has a different perspective, even though the personality types match, it could be a problem that triggers the erosion of the attachment, you know.

4. Communication problems

Many psychologists claim that communication is the key to a lasting relationship. This statement is not without reason, due to the fact that unhealthy communication patterns often destroy romantic relationships.

Dr. John Gottman of the University of Washington, an expert in couples studies, concluded in his 20 years of research that the only trigger for breakups is unhealthy communication, such as disrespect for your partner.

5. Narcissism

The research team, reported by the Mayo Clinic, defines narcissistic personality disorder as a mental disorder in which people have an interest in fulfilling self-admiration. Signs of narcissism include being superior or dominant, a pretentious self-image, arrogance, breaking boundaries, falsehood, and manipulativeness.

Significantly, research shows that a person with high narcissism correlates with vulnerability to infidelity.

6. Unhealthy relationships

Unhealthy relationships include verbal, emotional, physical, and even sexual abuse. Relationships that hurt each other and do not base relationships with empathy, make each paired person not find happiness.

7. Money problem

According to a 2013 study by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysis, a survey reports that financial problems are the main reason for separation. Money issues, can trigger a lot of disputes. This includes making psychologically insecure and triggering levels of trust, safety, security, power, control, and survival.