BMKG Weather Forecast: 5 DKI Jakarta Areas Rain Thursday Afternoon

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that five areas in DKI Jakarta will rain with light to high intensity this afternoon, Thursday.

Launching from Antara, Thursday, December 16, based on the official website of the BMKG in Jakarta, it was recorded that West Jakarta and Central Jakarta will be hit by moderate-intensity rain during the day.

Meanwhile, South Jakarta and East Jakarta will be hit by high-intensity rain accompanied by lightning.

North Jakarta itself will be hit by light rain and the Thousand Islands is expected to only be cloudy.

Entering the night, all areas in DKI Jakarta will not be hit by rain or only cloudy. The same thing will happen at night.

The entire area will only be cloudy, some even have a sunny cloudy status.

Some areas that experience sunny clouds include the Thousand Islands, North Jakarta, and Central Jakarta. While the rest will only experience cloudy conditions.

The air temperature today is expected to only range from 23 to 33 degrees Celsius while the humidity will reach 70 - 100 percent.