PAN Fires Ciamis DPRD Member Who Reported His Son to the Police because of Facebook

BANDUNG - The National Mandate Party (PAN) fired a member of the DPRD Ciamis, West Java, with the initials SU from party membership. SU reported his son, GM, to the West Java Regional Police. He was offended by the upload on Facebook.

"It is true that he was dismissed as a PAN cadre (with) a DPP SK," said the Chairman of the West Java PAN, Ahmad Najib Qodratullah to reporters, Monday, August 17.

SU was dismissed due to alleged cases of domestic violence (KDRT) and a dispute with his daughter.

However, SU is still listed as a member of the Ciamis DPRD. Because the dismissal of board members must be through the West Java Governor's Decree (SK).

There hasn't been any response from SU regarding the case or regarding the dismissal of a party cadre.

Previously, the West Java Police Criminal Investigation Dirkrimsus, Kombes Yaven Duma Parembang, confirmed the report from SU against his son, GM.

This case was reported by a member of the Ciamis DPRD on April 13. Yaven explained that family problems were suspected to have triggered this council member to report his son. 

"The motive is temporary because the reporter and the reported mother have just divorced. So the family atmosphere is less harmonious," said Yaven, Thursday, August 13.