Strong Winds Damage Hundreds Of Residents' Houses In Madiun

MADIUN - Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds damaged hundreds of houses in three villages in Wonoasri District, Madiun Regency, East Java and knocked down trees.

The Wonoasri Police Chief, Iptu Agustinus, said that based on preliminary data, there were about 208 houses in three villages which were damaged in the light, moderate, to severe categories due to the strong winds.

"The houses that were damaged are located in the villages of Sidomulyo, Ngadirejo, and Plumpungrejo," he told reporters quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 15.

Most of the damage occurred on the roof of the house. Strong winds swirling have blown roof tiles and other roofing materials.

TNI and Polri personnel together with local residents worked together to clean up the remaining debris and evacuate fallen tree trunks by sawing them.

Iptu Agustinus explained that at the time of the incident, heavy rain was pouring down the Wonoasri area accompanied by strong winds.

The police have reported the incident and are coordinating with the local BPBD for further handling.

Meanwhile, local resident Sumiani said heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurred at around 14.00 WIB. After that, the wind that blew suddenly whirled around to blow the roofs and roofs of houses.

"The wind also uprooted trees and a number of small shop buildings in the Wonoasri area collapsed," said Sumiani.

The BPBD and the local police appealed to residents to be vigilant, because it is estimated that high intensity rain will still flush the Madiun Regency and surrounding areas until early 2022.

This condition is prone to hydrometeorological disasters. Such as hurricanes, landslides, floods, and flash floods. Residents living in disaster-prone areas are asked to always be vigilant.