It's Easy To Start Forgetting, This Is The Secret To Maintaining Brain Health

JAKARTA - Have you started to forget easily or find it difficult to concentrate? Then you start to worry, maybe something is wrong with your brain and wonder how to keep your brain healthy and functioning properly?

Brain health is often forgotten, neglected compared to the health of other body organs. In fact, brain health is very important. The brain, which controls the body and composes the central nervous system, works closely with the spinal cord. You can breathe, talk, walk, wink, eat, drink, and do various activities because of the work of the brain and nervous system.

Disorders of the brain will certainly affect life. And, everyone wants to live longer with a healthy and sharp brain. What are the secrets of a healthy brain? Here's advice from Max Lugavere, author of Genius Food: Become Smarter, Happier, and Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life.


“Exercise is basically a brain booster,” says Max. He added that exercise is not only good for neurological health, but also for mental health.

This is because when you exercise, your body will release endorphins which are useful for relieving stress and providing positive energy. Not only that, exercise can also produce proteins that promote neuroplasticity, which is essential for cognitive function and healthy aging.

Max does not limit what types of exercise you can do. According to him, whether it's cardio, aerobics, or yoga, they all have the same effect on the brain. Just do the exercise you like on a regular basis. Yes, order and discipline are key!

Enough sleep

Sleep is an important part of our well-being. "When you sleep, your brain actually cleans itself," says Max. When you sleep, the body secretes cerebrospinal fluid which removes protein debris and memory disturbances.

Lack of sleep makes these wastes accumulate in our brains and result in cognitive decline. Max insists that just one night of bad sleep is enough to have a detrimental effect. "Sleep is important, and it's free!" said Max.

Therefore, from now on try not to sleep too late at night, so that your sleep needs are fulfilled. If you often experience sleep disturbances, then you need to know 9 Steps to Improve Your Sleep Quality.

Protein Breakfast

Max says that protein is an important part of your first meal in the morning, especially after a workout. "Proteins serve as the backbone of your neurotransmitters," he says. In addition, protein can improve brain performance to remember, it also makes you feel happy.