KPK Chair Believes DPD RI Members Can Encourage Anti-Corruption Culture

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri believes the DPD can help his party to foster an anti-corruption spirit. Where the institution can spread this spirit to all state administrators.

"We believe that the 136 members of the DPD RI can help the KPK to encourage anti-corruption at all levels of educational institutions and all state administrators," Firli said in a written statement, Wednesday, December 15.

This belief arose because in a working meeting held on Tuesday, December 14, there were a number of agreements to encourage the prevention of corruption. One of them is related to gratification reporting to the submission of the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

Meanwhile, Chairman of Committee I DPD Fachrul Razi welcomed the anti-corruption commission's move. He hopes his colleagues will be consistent with the agreement, including regarding the reporting of assets.

"Next year I hope that the compliance of all DPD RI members to report LHKPN can reach 100 percent and on time," he said. As for support for improvements in the regions, the KPK explained a number of programs from the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision that use the Monitoring Center for Prevention (MCP) to assess the extent of commitment to improve local governance.

Responding to the KPK's presentation, Fachrul Razi, said that he would support the corruption eradication orchestration carried out by all elements of the nation for an Indonesia free from corruption.

In addition, in the meeting there were a number of aspirations that were conveyed by members of the DPD RI to the KPK. One of them is about the corruption of natural resources.

"We are glad that the KPK is focusing on dealing with several cases in the regions, such as corruption in natural resources. Monitoring and recommendations from the KPK must continue to be monitored and followed up so that the results of natural resources are indeed beneficial for the people," said DPD RI member Bustami.