Sale And Purchase Of Sinovac Vaccine, Tanjung Gusta Medan Detention Center Doctor Sued 4 Years In Prison

MEDAN - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has demanded a doctor at the Tanjung Gusta Detention Center, Medan, Dr. Indra Wirawan, with a sentence of 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison. The prosecutor assessed that the defendant was involved in the illegal sale and purchase of Sinovac vaccines.

Prosecutor Hendrik Sipahutar made this claim in a virtual trial in the Cakra II room, Medan District Court, Wednesday, December 15.

The prosecutor explained that the defendant Indra Wirawan was considered proven to have accepted bribes in giving vaccines that were supposed to be free. The defendant's actions, called the prosecutor, were proven legally and convincingly guilty as the third indictment, namely Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Law on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"Identified the defendant Dr. Indra Wirawan in the form of imprisonment for 4 years reduced as long as the defendant was in temporary detention plus a fine of Rp. 100 million subsidiary, 3 months in prison and with an order that the defendant remained in custody," said Public Prosecutor Hendrik before a panel of judges chaired by Saut. Maruli.

Based on this decision, the panel of judges gave the defendant the opportunity to present his defense at the trial next week.

In the indictment, it is stated that the involvement of Dr. Indra Wirawan in this case of buying and selling vaccines began when he was contacted by the Defendant Selviwaty on orders from Dr. Kristinus Saragih.

At first, Selviwaty had contacted doctor Kristinus to want to vaccinate the people that Selvi would coordinate and collect by collecting money from the people to be vaccinated. Where the money will then be given to witness Dr. Kristinus in the amount of Rp. 250 thousand per person per injection.

This was agreed by the witness dr. Christine and has been implemented several times. When Dr. Kristinus couldn't take it anymore because he ran out of vaccine stock, Kristinus Saragih ordered Selviwaty to ask the defendant for help.

Long story short, witness Selviwaty made an agreement with the defendant Dr. Indra to want to do the vaccine with the people that Witness Selviwaty would gather. After that, an agreement was made in which the defendant, Dr. Indra, would be given the money collected by Defendant Selviwaty from the people to be vaccinated in the amount of Rp. 250,000 per person for a single injection of the vaccine.

"The agreement made by witness Selviwaty with the defendant is that from the Rp 250 thousand quoted from each person who will be vaccinated, the defendant will get R 220 thousand, while the remaining Rp 30 thousand for witness Selviwaty," explained the Public Prosecutor.

After there was an agreement between the witness and the defendant, then an agreement was made on the time for the implementation of the vaccine.

The way the defendant Dr. Indra obtained the vaccine to be injected into people was coordinated by witness Selviwaty by using the vaccine quota proposed by the North Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the North Sumatra Health Office.

"That the vaccines received by the defendant Dr. Indra from witness Suhadi as Head of the Surveillance and Immunization Section for Disease Control and Prevention at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, were not entirely used for or in accordance with the application letter submitted by the defendant to the Sumatra Provincial Health Office. North, some have been used by the defendant to vaccinate people who are willing to pay, which has been coordinated by witness Selviwaty in several locations," concluded the Public Prosecutor.

In this case, Selviwaty has been sentenced to 20 months in prison. Meanwhile, Dr. Kristinus Saragih was sentenced to 3 years in prison.