Good News From BPS, Nominal Daily Wage Of Farmers November 2021 Up 0.3 Percent

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the daily nominal wage of farm workers in November 2021 rose 0.3 percent to Rp. 57,081 compared to the previous month of Rp. 57,009.

"If you look at the province, the nominally the highest is in North Kalimantan, with the recorded wages of workers in November being Rp. 73,961 per day and the lowest is in Yogyakarta, which is Rp. 31,920 per day," said Head of BPS Margo Yuwono during a conference. press virtually, reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 15.

Meanwhile, the wages of real farm workers decreased by 0.20 percent to IDR 52,738 from the previous IDR 52,875.

Then the nominal average wage for construction workers in November 2021 increased by 0.04 percent to IDR 91,326 compared to October 2021 of IDR 91,290.

"However, if we calculate it in real terms, the wage for workers in November 2021 is Rp. 85,304 per day, a decrease of 0.33 percent compared to October 2021 (Rp. 85,587)," he said.

As is known, the nominal wage of workers is the average daily wage received by workers as compensation for the work that has been done. While the real wages of workers describe the purchasing power of the wages received by workers.

The real wage of farm laborers is the ratio between the nominal wages of farm workers and the consumption index of rural households. Meanwhile, the real wage of construction workers is the comparison of the nominal wages of construction workers to the urban consumer price index.