Buildings In Padangsidimpuan Collapsed And Flowed

MEDAN - A video showing seconds of the collapse of a building and being swept away by a river was shared on social media.

In the video narration, it is explained that the building is located in Timbangan Village, North Padangsidimpuan District, Padangsidimpuan City, North Sumatra. The incident occurred, Tuesday, December 14.

The Mayor of Padangsidimpuan, Irsan Efendi Nasution, explained that the building belongs to a transportation entrepreneur named Fery Khairul Harahap. There were no casualties in that incident.

"The building is located on the banks of the Aek Sibontar River, Timbangan Village. The building consists of 6 rooms, 3 downstairs and 3 on the 2nd floor and is empty," explained Irsan.

To reduce the risk, Irsan said his party had turned off the electricity. Meanwhile, a team from the Padangsidimpuan City BPBD has also been in the field.

"The city of Padangsidimpuan has been raining since this afternoon, it has been about 4 hours until now and now it has started to subside," he continued.

Currently, Irsan said the situation in Padangsidimpuan City was conducive.

"Please be wise in distinguishing inundation and flooding. Our monitoring is that inundation and flooding occurred in the Tobat Village, Ujung Padang Neighborhood 6, Sadabuan Village at one point and around the Satpol PP office," said Irsan.