Woman Claims Regional Secretary Of North Sumatra Tapteng Tricked Victims Of Working Mode At Regent's Office

MEDAN - A woman in the city of Sibolga, North Sumatra, with the initials RDH was policed as a victim for committing fraud with the mode of being able to take care of a vocational diploma while promising to work at the office of the Central Tapanuli Regent (Tapteng).

To the victim with the initials MZ, RDH claimed to be the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tapteng Regency.

The Head of the Subdivision of Public Relations of the Sibolga Police, Iptu R Sormin, explained that RDH was secured on Monday, December 13. RDH told the victim that he was able to take care of the SMK diploma on behalf of MZ and then hired him at the Tapteng Regent's office.

"Where the woman on behalf of RDH asked for Rp 2 million, but MZ only had Rp 200 thousand. Then it was handed over to RDH with an agreement to be paid after the SMK diploma was issued," said Iptu Sormin in his statement, Tuesday, December 14.

After that, the MZ family who began to feel suspicious about RDH immediately went to the Tapteng Regency Government office to inquire about the status of RDH who claimed to be the Regional Secretary.

"The MZ family received an answer that the woman on behalf of RDH was not the Regional Secretary of Tapteng Regency. Furthermore, when RDH came to MZ's house to ask for Rp. 3 million, the family immediately secured RDH and handed it over to the South Sibolga Police," said Iptu Sormin.

However, in the middle of the process, the MZ family did not take the matter to court. This was done considering that RDH still has a baby who is only 3 months old.

"Between RDH and MZ, they agreed to make peace by not proceeding to the realm of law. At the time of making peace, the Head of the Environment and Bhabinkamtibmas witnessed it," said Iptu Sormin.