5 Tips For Guiding Boys To Respect Girls, Can Be Started Early

JAKARTA – Many cases of violence need to be taken seriously and take strategic ways to increase awareness of the importance of mutual respect. Mutual respect must be owned by everyone, regardless of gender, male and female. Respect also needs to be implemented in everyday life.

So that children have awareness to respect women, there are tips to guide and accompany their growth period so that they can implement respect for each party, especially women. Here are tips that can be done:

1. Be a good example

Children under the age of 5 are reliable 'copycats'. They will imitate what their parents did. So, setting a good example is the most effective way to teach respect for girls to children under the age of 5. The simplest way is to say 'thank you' when helped or 'please' when you need help doing something. Teach also to say the word 'sorry' when you make a mistake.

2. Monitor viewing

At the age of 5-12 years, launched the Institute for Family Studies, monitoring the spectacle that children see is important for parents. Spectacles containing violence and pornography cannot be viewed raw. Children need to be given knowledge and cultivate their awareness not to imitate any negative things they see.

For example, when you see disrespectful treatment, talk about it with your child. Ask how he reacted to the spectacle. Provide guidance on empathy according to his knowledge or the child's perspective. Help boys to build social awareness and conscience.

3. Teach about how to have a healthy relationship

At a young age or between 12-18 years, good boys need to be taught about healthy relationships where people love each other and how to express love in a healthy way. They need to understand more than sex, but need to be more fundamental in terms of commitment and context.

4. Teach about consent

Boys should know that they should not touch a girl without her explicit consent. They shouldn't have kissed him without consent. The value of this agreement needs to be instilled, not only related to social relationships but also personal relationships. Children must also understand that no means no.

To teach, parents can start from simple things related to consent or consent. For example, your child may take your money from your wallet with your consent.

5. Avoid standing on the stigma

Stigma against women tends to be misguided, for example cooking at home is a woman's job. Stigma like this needs to be avoided, equip boys with neutral values.

In addition, the advice of Dr. Justin Coulson, author of 10 Things Every Parents Needs to Know, when you see your son criticizing girls for their math or driving skills, or some other gender issue, bring it up for discussion. Tell that everyone has the same ability, namely mutual respect.