Hotels And Malls In Bandarlampung Must Use Care And Protect

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Bandarlampung City Government asked all malls and hotels in the local city to start using the PeduliLindungi application during the Christmas and New Year's tightening.

"We have asked all hotel, mall or inn leaders to use the PeduliLindung application at every entrance and be guarded by officers," said the Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bandar Lampung City, Tole Dailami, in Bandarlampung, Tuesday, December 14.

He said the management of hotels, malls and modern shopping centers are not allowed to accept visitors from outside the area who are not equipped with a vaccination certificate and a COVID-19 free certificate through the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) or antigen rapid test.

"Yes, those who want to spend the night in Bandar Lampung must have been vaccinated and the PCR or antigen is negative," he said as quoted by Antara.

Dailami said that in order to implement the PeduliLindung application in hotels, inns, and shopping centers in Bandarlampung, his party will deploy a team to carry out monitoring.

"Yes, we will send a team to see its implementation in the field," he said. Then, he continued, if later there were those who did not activate the PeduliLindung application during Christmas and the new year, they would be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

"In more detail, there will be an Instruction from the Mayor of Bandarlampung. But what is certain is that the New Year will not have any events," he said.