Surabaya City Government Will Distribute Thousands Of Shoes To Semeru Eruption Victims

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government is ready to distribute thousands of pairs of aid shoes from CV Sinar Terang Sejahtera and PT Rajapaksi Adyaperkasa to be distributed to cleaners and victims of the eruption of Mount Semeru.

"Thank you very much. Hopefully what you (you) give will be multiplied by God and will give the best to all of you, because you don't stop sharing," said Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi when receiving shoe donations at Surabaya City Hall, East Java quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14.

CV Sinar Terang Sejahtera also provided assistance in the form of 2,000 pairs of footwear consisting of 528 pairs of shoes and 1,472 pairs of sandals. The plan, this assistance will be given to the cleaning staff in the city of Surabaya.

Meanwhile, the assistance provided by PT Rajapaksi Adyaperkasa is 626 pairs of shoes and 6,000 boxes of non-medical masks will be given to residents affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru.

Mayor Eri also ensured that the shoes provided were local products that also employ residents of the City of Surabaya. In fact, he admits that what he usually wears so far are the shoes with the brand he is helping.

"I hope we can continue to collaborate so that Surabaya SMEs can move, so that in the end with this togetherness we can move the economy and can reduce poverty and reduce unemployment in the city of Surabaya," he said.

Eri Cahyadi also hopes that this assistance can give a very extraordinary reaction to the economic movement in the city of Surabaya. "We will convey this assistance to our brothers and sisters in Lumajang because they were affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru," he said.

At that time, he also expressed his gratitude to the management of Proud Surabaya Cares because even though he was retired, he was still present for the Surabaya City Government in carrying out social and humanitarian activities.

According to him, their presence will give extraordinary strength to the Surabaya City Government, because there is a bond between those who are retired and the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Surabaya City Government.

"So that they can complement and strengthen each other and help each other to provide the best for the people in the city of Surabaya and people in other places who experience disasters," he said.

For Eri, this will continue to be driven, so that the city of Surabaya can become a pioneer and a model because Surabaya is a city full of mutual cooperation, a city full of empathy and full of brotherhood and kinship.

Meanwhile, Director of CV Sinar Sejahtera Jackson Suwargo said that actually the Jim Joker and Jackson shoe brands are collaborating with department stores such as Matahari, Ramayana, Transmart and other department stores to hold the OktoBERbagi event in October 2021.

OktoBERbagi is an event initiated by Brand Jim Joker and Jackson where for every purchase of one pair of certain products, each customer will get an additional discount and the company will donate one pair of sandals or shoes to those in need.

"This activity is carried out as a form of the company's concern for the ongoing pandemic and as an encouragement to the community to take part and help those in need. The number of donations distributed in this event reached 20 thousand pairs and the assistance given this time is a series of events. ," said Jackson after handing over his help.

He also confirmed that the amount of assistance handed over through the Surabaya City Government was around 2,000 pairs of shoes and sandals. Since their factory is located in Surabaya, he wants to donate the shoes and sandals to the cleaners in the city of Surabaya.

"We are moved to provide this assistance because we find it very difficult during the pandemic. Now, now the company has an opportunity to rise again and develop, so we want to channel that spirit to entrepreneurs and residents. So, we hope that all residents of Surabaya have spirit to continue to share," he said.