Three ATM Burglars In The Mode Of Blocking Fake Call Center Cards Arrested In Banyuwangi

BANYUWANGI - Three perpetrators of breaking into customer money at an ATM machine were arrested by the Banyuwangi Police, East Java.

The three are FJS (28), CAN (32) from South Sumatra and AS (48) from Bogor, West Java. The three were arrested on Sunday, December 12. The arrests were based on two reports from Banyuwangi residents who claimed that the money in their accounts had run out after the ATM card was swallowed.

"Both of them admitted that the money in the account was sold out after the card was stuck in the ATM machine. Eny suffered a loss of Rp. 10 million and Catur Mukti of Rp. 5 million," said Banyuwangi Police Chief AKBP Nasrun Pasaribu, Tuesday, December 14.

The perpetrator's mode is to trick the victim until the ATM card is swallowed. The perpetrators stuck the hole in the lip of the ATM machine using a piece of plastic. When residents make transactions automatically the card will be swallowed.

At that time, two perpetrators standing guard near the ATM machine came and advised the victim to contact the call center. The fact is that the call center number is a fake that was installed by the perpetrator on the ATM machine.

"When the victim contacted the fake call center, the victim was asked for personal data including the ATM pin. After that the victim was told to leave, then the perpetrator drained the money in the victim's account," said Nasrun.

Apart from these three perpetrators, the police are also still conducting developments because the two perpetrators are still at large.

In addition to taking action in Banyuwangi, the perpetrators are known to have taken action in Malang, Jombang, NTT, Central Java, and West Java regencies.

The victim's losses also varied from Rp5-10 million. For his actions, the suspect is threatened with criminalization under the Banking Law and the ITE Law.

The police chief emphasized that the perpetrators were not a syndicate but a group that could be divided. It is suspected that there are other groups involved in this crime.

In addition, the Chief of Police also appealed to the public to be vigilant when withdrawing money from ATM machines.

"Don't easily believe the call center instructions attached to the ATM machine from the bank itself, and don't be easily fooled, keep an eye on people around the ATM," he concluded.