1,866 People Register To Volunteer For Clinical Trial Of COVID-19 Vaccines

JAKARTA - As many as 1,866 people have registered to volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial in Bandung. This data is based on the Padjadjaran University Research Team for the Clinical Trial of the Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine.

"As expected, the public's interest is high. Thank God," said Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Research Team spokesperson Dr. Rodman Tarigan in Bandung as reported by Antara, Sunday, August 16.

According to Rodman, according to the predetermined schedule, registration for vaccine clinical trial volunteers will be open until August 31, 2020.

Registration for COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial volunteers will be closed after the team finds 1,620 people who meet the criteria to volunteer in the vaccine clinical trial.

"We hope that 1,620 people meet the criteria. If the criteria are met, 1,620 people will be closed for registration," he said.

The research team conducted a series of examinations to assess whether applicants met the criteria to volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial.

To date, more than 100 people have met the criteria for volunteering and received the COVID-19 vaccine injection made by Sinovac, a pharmaceutical company based in China.

The clinical trials of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine were centered in six places in Bandung, namely the Padjajaran University Teaching Hospital, the Padjajaran University Health Center, the Garuda Health Center, the Sukapakir Health Center, the Dago Health Center, and the Ciumbuleuit Health Center.