Afternoon Theft At Ruko Medan Viral, Police Already Know The Perpetrators But Wait For Victim Reports

MEDAN - The theft in broad daylight was recorded and went viral on social media. The incident occurred in a shophouse complex on Jalan Krakatau Ujung, Medan City.

In the video, a man is seen above the shop's canopy. The man then got down and ran.

The video recorder who was in the car tried to catch up to the man. As soon as he got closer, he saw the man being carried by his colleague on a motorbike.

In the video narration, it is written that thefts in a row of Krakatau shop houses often occur. Initially, the thief broke into the back door of the shophouse and took the contents of the house at night.

"Now in broad daylight, thieves are getting bolder to take things in front of the shophouse," the video narration reads.

He also explained that theft in the area had been reported many times to the local neighborhood chief.

"However, there has been no meaningful response to solve this problem. Please report this so that we can get help from the authorities," the narrative said.

A local resident, Arfan, explained that the theft occurred on Sunday, December 12. The perpetrator, he said, stole by climbing from the roof of someone's house.

Arfan added that the area where he lives in the Jalan Krakatau area often has theft.

"The iron of the penyet chicken shop tent in front of this shophouse is often missing," he continued.

Arfan said the perpetrators who wanted to take the AC cable were people who were often illegal parking attendants.

"He's a parking attendant here in the morning, bro, only when the video has gone viral, he's never seen again," he said.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Timur Police, Iptu J Simamora, confirmed the incident when it was confirmed. Police already know the man's identity.

"We already know the culprit, the problem is that the victim hasn't reported it yet. If we catch him, what are we going to do," said Iptu Simamora in response to VOI, Tuesday, December 13.

Iptu Simamora said his party was still waiting for a report from the victim. He explained that his party could not arrest the perpetrators just based on the viral load.

"We already know the person, we are looking for victims. It's an empty house, where are we going," he said.