'Witness, Drink Water First', Asked The Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court To The Witness Who Wept To Tell His Land Allegedly Claimed By The TNI

JAKARTA - Widodo Sunu Nugroho, a witness who was presented in the trial of case Number 27/PUU-XIX/2021 at the Constitutional Court (MK) could not hold back tears and sobbed in front of the panel of judges telling the community land in the Urut Sewu area, Central Java, allegedly seized by the Army.

"The Regent of Kebumen stated that the land fencing carried out by the Indonesian Army is on people's land," Widodo said in a follow-up to case Number 27/PUU-XIX/2021 which was broadcast by the Court virtually in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 14, as reported by Antara.

For the community, the Kebumen Regent's statement is an affirmation of their rights so far. In fact, happiness is pseudo.

On the same day, the Regent of Kebumen again announced the claim of the new TNI AD. In fact, it is much wider than the previous land claims.

Initially, the TNI AD only claimed one piece of land that stretched for about 22.5 kilometers. However, after the new claim, the land area in the coastal area was expanded to become two longitudinal plots, said Widodo.

While telling about the land that has been used as the ancestral grave of the local community, Widodo could not help but cry in front of the panel of judges led by Anwar Usman.

He stammered trying to explain to the panel of judges that the unilateral land claims by the TNI AD and the government were detrimental to the local community. Residents feel they have been underestimated, played with and not appreciated by the government.

Seeing that Widodo's face and voice, who was wearing batik with a golden pattern and long hair, had started to get hoarse, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman suggested that the witness first calm down and drink.

"Witnesses, if there is drinking water first," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman trying to calm Widodo who testified virtually.

The TNI AD entered the Urut Sewu area since 1972, which initially only used the place as a training location. At that time, every TNI exercise, the land would be vacated and afterward returned to the local community.

In the process, the community supports the training of TNI personnel, because they consider it a form of contribution or contribution to the state by providing a place for TNI training.

However, over time the TNI began to unilaterally claim the area that was used as the training ground. The public only realized this claim in 2007 when the TNI expanded its claim or area.