Clash With Mumtaz Rais, Nawawi: There Is No Program For Forgiveness

JAKARTA - The son of former MPR chairman Amien Rais, Ahmad Mumtaz Rais, has apologized to KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango for the incident on the Garuda Plane on the Gorontalo-Makassar-Jakarta route some time ago.

Several high-ranking National Mandate Party (PAN) officials said that this problem had been resolved on the plane. Meanwhile, Nawawi Pomolango said that there was never an event of forgiveness on the plane.

"There has never been a 'sorry-forgive' program between those concerned and me, even though the cabin crew and colleagues have calmed them down, they continue to say the word 'late hero'," Nawawi Pomolango told VOI as quoted on Sunday, August 16.

In fact, said Nawawi, Mumtaz Raih knew that this problem would be brought to the realm of law. "So the person concerned knows very well that I will submit the report," said Nawawi.

Nawawi confirmed that Mumtaz Rais's colleague had apologized to him before getting off the Garuda Indonesia plane. However, Mumtaz Rais personally didn't do that on the plane.

"Another party who was a friend concerned, who was about to get off the plane said an apology, but he himself hastily disembarked without any warning," said Nawawi.

Mumtaz Rais yesterday finally apologized for the commotion with KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolago on the Garuda Indonesia flight from Gorontalo-Makassar-Jakarta some time ago.

"I respect him. Think of it as me who is wrong, I am young, maybe the blood is still volatile, excited," said Mumtaz.

Mumtaz admitted that he made a mistake on that action. Moreover, he was so tired that he was easily provoked by his emotions.

"I am already in Pontianak again. So from Gorontalo, Makassar, to Jakarta for a while, I will be in Pontianak again," he said.

Regarding the use of cell phones on the plane, Mumtaz said it was not just him. But several other passengers also did the same. This is because the plane is in the process of refueling.

"Actually, the situation is not boarding but refueling. In fact, I actually hold my cellphone on the right and left side, the one behind economy class is also on the phone," he said.

It's just that, he said, this incident became big because he did it. "If not, Mumtaz might be Bambang, or Parjo might be just ordinary. Because this is Mumtaz, I think it wouldn't be exciting if it wasn't viral," he said.