Video Mesum Junior High School Students Fucked By 4 Friends In Buleleng, Police Haven't Named Suspects

BULELENG - Police are still working on a video nasty case of a female junior high school student and her 4 male friends in Buleleng, Bali. The police are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem.

"The investigator's actions after examining the victim, immediately asked for a visum et revertum to the Buleleng Hospital and the results of the post-mortem are not yet known. In addition, a psychological examination of the victim was also carried out to determine the victim's mental state both before and after the incident," said Buleleng Police Chief AKBP Andrian Pramudianto , Tuesday, December 14th.

The police chief said that the male actor in the nasty video was still a child. No suspect status has been determined in this case.

"And the status has not been determined. Against these children carry out mandatory reports," he added.

From the information on the provisional examination, it is known that one of the children in the video said that female junior high school students can be paid to have sex. After that the four boys paid the female student to have sex.

"For the time being, the direction of the investigation and investigation only leads to four people who will lead as suspected perpetrators. Meanwhile, those who recorded are still being investigated to find out who recorded either directly at the time of intercourse or indirect recording, meaning without being known by the perpetrators, said Adrian.

In this case, the police will apply Article 18 paragraph 2 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection.