215 Bogor Residents Netted In Mask Raids

JAKARTA - As many as 215 residents of Bogor City, West Java, were caught in joint raids for not wearing masks in public places. The offenders caught from the raids that have been carried out since Thursday, August 13th until now.

Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Bogor City, Agustiansyah, said that the local city government had formed three joint teams to implement an orderly operation of using masks whose members consist of elements from Satpol PP, police and TNI.

According to Agustiansyah, the joint team has been operating since the implementation of Mayor Regulation Number 64 of 2020 concerning Imposition of Administrative Sanctions for Violations of Health Rules in the Implementation of PSBB or AKB in the Response to COVID-19.

"Previously, the joint team had conducted an orderly socialization of the use of masks for a week until Thursday, August 13. Since Thursday, administrative sanctions in the form of fines have been imposed, in accordance with the regulations in the Bogor Mayor Regulation," he said.

As for the orderly operation of using masks by the joint team on a mobile basis, it was carried out in six sub-districts.

During a week of orderly operations using masks until last Thursday, there were 166 residents of Bogor City who did not wear masks in public places.

After the imposition of administrative sanctions since last Thursday to date, there have been found 49 more people who do not wear masks in public places, bringing the total to 215 people.

"They were given a warning to wear masks. Officers reminded them that not wearing masks can transmit COVID-19," he said.

After the application of administrative sanctions in the form of fines for residents of Bogor City who do not have a mask, his party started Thursday, August 13 to warn offenders, then detained their identity cards, both KTP and SIM.

Residents who have their identity cards detained, he said, can take their personal documents after making a written statement that they will wear a mask.

"The joint team also provided them with masks," he said.

In the next operation, said Agus, the residents who made the statement did not wear masks, the officers gave administrative sanctions in the form of fines or social sanctions against them.