Through The Threat Of Air Softgun, Indogadai Jagakarsa Employees Are Afraid Of Being Forced To Open A Safe, Handing Over Rp33 Million
JAKARTA - The perpetrators of the Indogadai Jagakarsa robbery had arrested two employees before stealing tens of millions of money. The two of them were locked in the bathroom. The two Indogadai employees who were held captive had the initials UKH (21) and DNA (20).
"So the acts of violence committed by the suspect against the victim, these two victims were pushed and forced into the bathroom," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Tuesday, December 14.
Then, another employee, SR (23), was asked by the perpetrators to open the safe. The perpetrator also forced the victim by pointing an air softgun
Under such pressure, SR complied with orders from the perpetrators. Until finally, the perpetrators managed to steal Rp33 million in cash.
"This Rp33 million was taken by the perpetrator. Then it was put in a black bag," said Zulpan.
After successfully stealing tens of millions of money, the perpetrators immediately fled. However, his escape attempt failed because the robbery had attracted the attention of local residents.
Moreover, in front of Indogadai there were already two police officers. The perpetrator was also arrested.
Previously, Indogadai Jagakarsa was visited by robbers on Monday, December 13. In fact, the robbery action went viral on social media. However, the robbery by D (22) failed in the hands of residents and surrounding areas. In fact, the perpetrators were beaten by the masses.