Tsunami Early Warning Caused By A 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake In Larantuka, Revoked By BMKG

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency revoked the tsunami early warning caused by the 7.4 Magnitude earthquake on Tuesday, December 14

"The #Tsunami Early Warning caused by the #Earthquake Magnitude: 7.4, 14-Dec-21 10:20:23 WIB, has been declared over #BMKG," wrote the BMKG on its Twitter, @infoBMKG reported by VOI, Tuesday, December 14.

In his explanation, the location of the earthquake was 113 km northwest of Larantuka-NTT, the public was asked to always follow the warning directions from BPBD, BNPB and BMKG.

Capture the warning screen from BMKG (site: https://warning2.bmkg.go.id)

Previously, people in East Flores Regency, NTT, scattered after being rocked by the earthquake on Tuesday, December 14 this afternoon. The earthquake is estimated to have occurred at around 10:45 WIT.

One resident in East Flores, Larantuka, Fransiskus Tukan said, the earthquake occurred in a short duration.

"So it was felt very slowly at first but happened several times. Residents, including myself, are still calm with the strength of this small earthquake," said Frano, Francis' greeting when contacted by VOI from Jakarta, Tuesday, December 14.

However, continued Frano, the strength of the earthquake increased suddenly and made residents panic, run and scatter out of their homes. Almost in every house, residents look for a safe location by standing in the yard or city streets.

"So this feels like a big earthquake. It's like sleeping well, you can feel it. From a small one, slowly, suddenly it becomes big. All residents run to the yard to avoid collapsing buildings or building materials," added Frano.

Until this news was revealed, residents have not dared to enter the house again. They are generally located in a yard or field away from buildings.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued a warning of a tsunami in eastern Indonesia following an earthquake measuring 7.5 today.

"Tsunami Early Warning in SULSEL, NTT, SULTRA, NTB, MALUKU, Magnitude Earthquake: 7.5, 14-Dec-21 10:20:22 WIB, Lok: 7.59LS,122.26BT,Kdlmn:12Km," reads a written warning from the BMKG today .