Mumtaz Apologize for Arguing with KPK Deputy Chairman

JAKARTA - The son of former MPR chairman Amien Rais, Ahmad Mumtaz Rais, apologized for arguing with KPK Deputy Chairman, Nawawi Pomolago. It happened on the Garuda Indonesia flight, on the Gorontalo-Makassar-Jakarta route, some time ago.

"I respect him. I was wrong. I am young, maybe my blood is still in flames," said Mumtaz during an interview with tvOne, Saturday, August 15.

Mumtaz admitted that he made a mistake. Moreover, he was so tired, and he got angry.

"I am already in Pontianak. So from Gorontalo, Makassar, Jakarta for a while, then Pontianak again," he said.

Regarding the use of cell phones on the plane, Mumtaz said it was not just him. But several other passengers also did the same, because the airplane was in the refueling process.

"It wasn't boarding but refueling. The people on my left and right side also held a cell phone. The passengers in the economy class were also on the phone," he said. 

According to him, the incident became big because he did it. "If it's Bambang or Parjo who did it, it might not become a big thing. However, it was Mumtaz. I think it wouldn't be exciting if it isn't viral," he said.

The quarrel between Mumtaz and Nawawi occurred because Mumtaz was on his cellphone when the plane was refueling during transit in Makassar.

This former DPR member was then reprimanded by the cabin officer twice, but he ignored them. On the 3rd warning, Mumtaz became angry and yelled at the officers.

Nawawi, who sat next to him, then reminded Mumtaz to obey the rules and not to scold the officers. However, Mumtaz replied to the warning. He turned back, scolded Nawawi, and challenged him.

The President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfaniaputra, ensured that he would strictly enforce the safety and security rules of aviation regulations during the flight.

"Garuda Indonesia ensures that the company is committed to always strictly enforcing flight safety and security rules for all passengers during the flight," said Irfan.