2 Administrators In Solo Mundur, PAN Affirm Final Support To Gibran

JAKARTA - Two members of the DPD National Mandate Party (PAN) chose to resign after PAN Ketum Zulkifli Hasan expressed his support for Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the Solo Pilkada. Support to Gibran was confirmed by the PAN elite as final.

"We will check what the real incident is (related to the resignation of 2 administrators in Solo, red). But what is clear is that in determining the candidate pair in the Pilkada, the authority is at the central level party or DPP, ”said Deputy Head of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi, confirmed by VOI, Saturday, August 15.

Viva Yoga emphasized the determination of regional head candidates as stated in the Pilkada Law and internal party regulations regarding Pilkada. Therefore, according to him, this decision must be obeyed by all party elements.

"The decision to nominate Mas Gibran is final. The coalition party is now heading to the process of forming a coalition team for Mas Gibran's campaign and winning program, ”said the PAN spokesman.

The chairman of the Solo PAN DPD, Ahmad Safari previously confirmed the resignation of 2 PAN Solo administrators. Both are the Chairperson of the Women's Empowerment Division, Siti Zulaikha and Deputy Chairperson of the Women's Cadre Division, Listyandari R.

Meanwhile, Zulkifli Hasan, when expressing support for Gibran, said that the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was worthy of being supported in the Solo Pilkada. Gibran was brought along with the vice mayor of Solo, Teguh Prakosa.

"We believe my estimate may be above 80 percent (winning in the 2020 Solo Pilkada, red), that's my estimate," said Zulkifli, Wednesday, August 12.