Makassar Community Asked To Stay Alert And Alert For The Impact Of La Nina

MAKASSAR - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region IV Makassar appealed and reminded the public to remain alert and alert to the impact of La Nina which is estimated to still occur.

"The weather in western South Sulawesi is forecasted to rain with moderate and heavy intensity until December 14, 2021. However, after that the intensity will decrease," said BMKG Region IV Makassar Foreman, Esti Kristanti when confirmed weather developments in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Monday, December 13.

Meanwhile, the La Nina phenomenon or the Sea Surface Temperature (SML) phenomenon, added Esti, was observed to be still active. However, people do not need to worry, but remain vigilant and alert if at any time aftershocks occur.

He also advised the public to continue to monitor the development of information from the BMKG website and social media so that they can monitor and anticipate and prepare everything before a disaster occurs.

Confirmed separately, the Head of the Makassar City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Achmad Hendra Hakamuddin also asked the community in flood-prone areas, especially in six sub-districts, to be on alert following the prediction of high-intensity rain this week.

"The Makassar City Government through BPBD asks the public to remain alert to the possibility of high-intensity rain in the city area as happened some time ago," said Hendra as quoted by Antara.

According to him, according to BMKG predictions, rain with high and moderate intensity will still occur until December 14, 2021. Therefore, the public is asked to remain vigilant and alert for further flooding.

"The public is advised to continue to monitor information on weather developments that can be accessed through the official BMKG channel. The goal is to be able to access BMKG information so that there is an early anticipation by knowing the weather changes that will occur," he reminded.

Makassar BPBD data released the highest peak in the number of refugees on December 9, 2021 due to the impact of flooding at a number of points triggered by heavy rains that took place from December 5-6 2021.

It was recorded that the number of refugees was 6,102 people, as well as the number of refugee points that also increased to 58 refugee points spread over five sub-districts.