Allegedly Involved, Police Examine Wife Of Suspect For Murder Of Baby And Mother In Kupang

KUPANG - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police summoned the wife of the suspect in the murder of the mother and baby found at the SPAM construction project in the Penkase Village, Kupang City, for allegedly being involved in the case.

"Today it has been 11 days after the arrest of Randy, the suspect in the murder of mother and child. We have also summoned the suspect's wife for questioning," said NTT Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif to reporters in Kupang, Monday, December 13.

He conveyed this regarding the development of the case of the murder of mothers and babies in the city of Kupang which has attracted enough public attention both in the city of Kupang and even nationally.

The NTT Police Chief said that the suspect's own wife had so far been summoned and questioned twice to develop the case.

"So we are examining the people closest to the suspect, including his wife. We hope this can be revealed soon," he said.

He also said that the public must believe that what the community thinks is also the opinion of the police.

"But we still have to carry it out in accordance with the applicable legal rules. The police must not be wrong in determining who these victims are, who are the suspects who are really responsible for actions that are against the law," he explained.

According to the NTT Police Chief, the National Police is not only limited to accepting the suspect's confession because in fulfilling this evidence, the suspect's statement is not the main thing, but the evidence is matched and so on.

"Outside opinion that is developing is that this case has this motive, we will investigate everything. It's time for us to tell what the real motive is," he added.

Regarding the application of the article to the suspect, the NTT Police Chief said that in this case investigators would apply the toughest article.

"Article 338 of the Criminal Code which is now applied to the suspect RB is not absolute, but can still be developed into other articles," he added. uncover the case.

"I hope that the community will also provide support, provide us with information," said the NTT Police Chief.

Regarding the reconstruction, the NTT Police Chief said that this was all included in the investigation process and the law mandated reconstruction.

"People are patient, when everything is complete we will tell you. How stupid it is for an investigator to process a case but not carry out reconstruction, everything has been mandated in the law," he said.

He added that all witnesses examined had the right to submit their alibis, later they would test whether there was a connection or not. Police speak based on legal facts, investigators do not talk about possibilities or assumptions.

"This case is open, anyone can come and coordinate with investigators. Let's build a good opinion, be sure we do it according to our professionalism, proportionally," he asserted.