ASTRA Cipali Toll Road Support For The Metropolitan Tambourine Project, One Of Which Is Kertajati Airport Toll Access

JAKARTA - The toll access to West Java International Airport (BIJB) Kertajati, Majalengka Regency, will be operated in the near future, after obtaining an operating permit from the government.

"In the near future, the BIJB access toll road will be inaugurated and operational," said President Director of ASTRA Cipali Toll Road Firdaus Azis, quoted from Antara, Monday, December 13.

According to him, the BIJB Kertajati access toll road is connected to the Cikopo-Palimanan toll road starting from KM 158+700 with a length of about 3.7 kilometers.

The construction of toll access to BIJB was completed in September 2021, which was followed by a functional and operational feasibility test in October 2021.

Firdaus said the BIJB Kertajati access toll road is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 1514/KPTS/M/2021 as part of the Cikopo-Palimanan toll road.

In addition, there is also the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 1515/KPTS/M/2021 regarding the determination of the types of motorized vehicles and the amount of the BIJB Kertajati access toll tariff which was issued on December 6, 2021.

"We have received a letter for the operation of the BIJB Kertajati access toll road and the tariff determination issued by the Ministry of PUPR on December 6, 2021," he said.

Firdaus continued, the construction of this toll road is one of ASTRA's support for the Cipali Toll Road for development in the surrounding area, especially the Metropolitan Tambourine Project, which is an initiative of the West Java Government in an effort to equalize the economy through infrastructure.

With the Minister of PUPR's Decree regarding the operation of the BIJB Kertajati access toll road in his pocket, of course this is something that is awaited not only by ASTRA Cipali Toll Road but also for the community.

ASTRA Cipali Toll Road hopes that the operation of the BIJB Kertajati access which will later be connected to the Cisumdawu Toll Road will not only simplify and cut travel time, but can also encourage economic growth in the vicinity.

"With this access toll road, it is hoped that it can improve connectivity and development of the West Java region, especially the surrounding area," he said.