Iran Calls UAE-Israel Peace A Stab In The Back Of Muslims

JAKARTA - Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the historic agreement that establishes full diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel. The decision was a "dagger that the UAE unjustly attacked on the backs of the Palestinian people and all Muslims."

In addition, Iran has called the normalization of relations between the UAE and Israel a dangerous act. The act was also considered highly embarrassing and warned the UAE and Israel not to interfere with "political equality" in the Arab Gulf region.

"The UAE government and other counterparts should accept responsibility for all consequences of this action," the statement said.

In a deal brokered by the US, the UAE and Israel announced that they had agreed to establish full diplomatic relations. Israel has also promised to postpone plans for annexation of the West Bank, the area Palestinians will make as their future state.

"The UAE's new approach to normalizing relations with fake #Israel, criminals does not maintain peace and security, but serves the ongoing Zionist crimes," Hossein Amirabdollahian, adviser to the head of the Iranian Parliament said on Twitter.

The former head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Mohsen Rezaei, said in that the UAE had made itself an "Israeli paradise" for the past ten years. "There are no zealous Muslim fighters and no Arabs who have betrayed Palestine, just a flawless stab from the back," he said.

The agreement makes the UAE the first Gulf Arab state and the third Arab state - after Egypt and Jordan - to have full diplomatic relations with Israel. They announced it in a joint statement and stated that they would soon realize various forms of cooperation in various fields such as tourism, direct flights and embassies in the coming weeks.

On state TV, Iran said the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE was "strategic stupidity" between the two countries. The Iranian side also said it "will undoubtedly strengthen the axis of resistance in the region."

The historic deal won US President Donald Trump a major foreign policy victory. Trump, who is trying to be re-elected as president in elections held in November, has been worried that the Middle East will take over Arab support for Palestine.

Apart from Trump, the deal also provided diplomatic achievements for Netanyahu. Netanyahu is facing a lot for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic which is considered a failure and has an impact on the economy.