Menpora Arranges A Comprehensive Grand Design For National Sports Development

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali assessed that Indonesia does not yet have a standard sports grand design as a guideline. In fact, continued the Menpora, it is very important for the progress of national sports.

On this basis, the Ministry of Youth and Sports makes a correct, comprehensive, long-term and sustainable design in carrying out sports coaching and also restoring the community. Currently, the process has entered the finalization stage.

"But before we decide to become a grand design, we have to do a public test stage first," said the Menpora.

Menpora continued, the custom of sports in Indonesia today is to prepare athletes three months ahead of sports championships. According to him, this system will not produce good results.

"I am sure that and my friends also believe in it, so we agreed to make a grand design," said the Golkar Party politician.

This man from Gorontalo revealed that what was included in the grand design was from a child to adulthood. Meanwhile, fitness after the achievement period is still required to be fit.

"Especially now, in a pandemic era, fitness is very much needed. One way to avoid COVID-19 is our immunity and that can be generated from fitness," explained the Menpora.

Zainuddin Amali hopes that all stakeholders can contribute thoughts in the preparation of this grand design. Both from experience in the field, theories, and information obtained from various sources of information.

"Hopefully it can enrich the content and make the grand design more weighty and comprehensive," said the Menpora.