What Did The KPK Do When It Hunted Its Fugitives, Including Harun Masiku?

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to work closely with many parties to pursue suspects who are still at large, including Harun Masiku. Searches at home and abroad are also currently being carried out.

This was conveyed in response to President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) order at the opening of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) on Thursday, December 9. At that time, he asked all law enforcement officers including the KPK to arrest fugitives and confiscate the assets belonging to the perpetrators of the riots.

"KPK has collaborated with various parties both at home and abroad who have the authority and authority to search for DPOs, of course this is a real signal of the KPK's serious efforts to find (fugitives, ed)," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri to journalists, Saturday, December 11th.

In addition, Ali also ensured that the KPK and law enforcement officers would continue to be solid and help each other in their pursuit of the fugitives. One of the evidences was when the KPK and the Attorney General's Office worked together to arrest Deni Gumelar, who had harmed the state's finances amounting to Rp. 18.5 trillion.

Deni is the perpetrator of a criminal act of corruption related to the construction project of the fully activated Bentonite factory at the Regional Agribusiness and Mining Company of West Java in 2000-2001. This arrest was made on Thursday, December 9 yesterday.

"We are solid between APH to work hand in hand and become partners in eradicating corruption. So that the benefits of eradicating corruption can actually be felt by the wider community," said Ali.

For information, there are currently four fugitives being pursued by the KPK. They are Harun Masiku, Surya Darmadi, Izil Azhar, and Kirana Kotama.

Harun Masiku is a suspect in a bribery case related to the determination of the interim replacement (PAW) for members of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period. He failed to be caught after escaping in a hand arrest operation (OTT) which eventually ensnared former Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan.

Meanwhile, Izil Azhar is a suspect in the gratification case for the Governor of Aceh for the 2007-2012 period. Next, there is also Kirana Kotama who is a suspect in the case of procuring SSV ships for the Philippine government in 2014 involving PT PAL and Surya Darmadi who were caught in the bribery case of forest conversion in Riau Province.

Previously, the names of Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim, who are obligors of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI), were also on the KPK wanted list. However, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has issued an Investigation Termination Order (SP3) related to the BLBI Clearance Certificate (SKL) corruption case.