Nadiem Makarim Hands Over Independent Lecture KIP For 10 IPB University Students

BOGOR - Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim handed over the 2021 Merdeka Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for 10 student representatives of public and private universities on the IPB University campus.

"Congratulations to the recipients of the Merdeka Lecture KIP, yes, my message is only one, please convey it to your younger siblings who are still in high school, please don't lose out mentally first," he said after the delivery of the Merdeka Lecture KIP, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

Nadiem said that the opportunity is still wide open for prospective students throughout Indonesia. For prospective students who are underprivileged but have big ambitions, take advantage of the Merdeka Lecture KIP program to reach for the future.

KIP Lecture Merdeka is a form of government intervention in increasing the enrollment rate for higher education, so that children from poor families can go to college.

Previously, the Secretary General (Sesjen) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Suharti reported that most of the recipients of the 2021 Merdeka Lecture KIP came from private universities, namely 94 percent or 2,013 PTS, while from state universities (PTN). ) only 6 percent or as many as 122 PTN.

There is also the number of recipient students at PTS by 52 percent or 103,730. Meanwhile, in PTN, there are 48 percent or 96,270 students who are recipients of KIP Merdeka Lectures and 23 percent of that number are scholarship recipients in A-accredited study programs.

In the future, said Minister Nadiem, the government will pay more attention to outstanding students from underprivileged families in order to improve their welfare and that of their families through quality higher education.

The Ministry of Education and Culture will ensure that every time it issues assistance to students, it will help them get a better life.

"This is what underlies the Kemendikbudristek to launch the KIP Lecture Merdeka as the ninth episode of Merdeka Learning," he said.

The Minister of Education and Technology explained that the improvement of the KIP Lecture policy to become the Independent Lecture KIP includes an increase in the amount of tuition or tuition fees to reach Rp. 12 million per semester for study programs with A accreditation. Then, an increase in the cost of living adjusted to the price index.

With the Independent Lecture KIP, said Nadiem, prospective students from underprivileged families become more confident in choosing superior study programs at the best universities, regardless of their location in Indonesia. Parents can also encourage their children to continue their education at the tertiary level with funding support from the state.

"With this increase, KIP Kampus frees prospective students to achieve their dreams," said Nadiem.

Meanwhile, IPB University Chancellor Arif Satria said the KIP policy was a strategic step and sided with underprivileged students to continue their education in higher education.

"I appreciate the KIP Lecture program and thank the Minister for being willing to attend the delivery of the KIP Lecture Merdeka while seeing the various achievements of IPB today," said the IPB Chancellor.

Arif added that IPB students should not drop out just because they don't have money to study.

"We are grateful that IPB and the government can synergize and are in line with expectations to ensure the continuity of education for all students. Because I believe, education is a way to break the chain of poverty," he said.