West Java Deputy Governor: Mang Oded Dies In A State Of A Martyr

BANDUNG - Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum said the Mayor of Bandung, Oded M. Danial, who died at the age of 59 at the Great Mujahideen Mosque, Jalan Sancang, Bandung City, died a martyr on an auspicious day.

"Hopefully the bereaved family will be given strength and patience. He died when he was about to give a Friday sermon in Bandung. God willing, he was husnulkhatimah. He died on a good day, while doing worship," said Uu in Bandung City, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

West Java Deputy Governor Uu expressed his condolences for the death of one of the West Java figures.

Mang Oded died when he was about to go up the pulpit as a preacher for Friday prayers, so he died a martyr on a good day.

"He died when he was about to give a Friday sermon in Bandung. God willing, he was husnulkhatimah. He died on a good day, while doing worship," he said.

He prayed for the deceased to be accepted by Him.

"May Allah widen his grave and forgive his sins and give patience and strength to the bereaved family," he said.

Mang Oded's body is buried at the Bandung Mayor's Hall, Jalan Dalem Kaum Alun-Alun Bandung, the plan is to be buried in his hometown in Tasikmalaya.

Mang Oded was born in Tasikmalaya Regency, November 15, 1962, completed elementary to high school in Tasikmalaya, then studied at Pasundan University, Bandung.

He started his political career by becoming a member of the Bandung City DPRD from the PKS Faction, then was elected as Deputy Mayor of Bandung accompanying the Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil for the 2013-2018 term.

In 2018, Mang Oded was elected Mayor of Bandung along with his deputy, Yana Mulyana, for the 2018-2023 term of service, while Ridwan Kamil became Governor of West Java for the same period and was inaugurated on almost the same day.

Mang Oded leaves behind one wife, Siti Muntamah Oded, who serves as a member of the West Java DPRD and seven children.