Occupants Of The South Kalimantan Overseas Detention Center Obey The Law, Don't Store Dangerous And Negative Narcotics

KALSEL - The South Kalimantan (Kalsel) Internal Correctional Compliance Unit (Satops Patnal Pas) team searched residential blocks and conducted urine tests on residents of the Class II B Rantau Rutan.

The Head of the Correctional Division of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Sri Yuwono, said that no dangerous goods were found during the search. "The Rantau Prison is in a conducive condition," he said at the location, Antara, Friday, December 10.

Yuwono revealed that he only confiscated a few items including matches, iron spoons and other utensils because they were considered potentially dangerous.

The activity, which involves personnel from the Pas Se-Banua Six Satopatnal and the TNI-Polri, aims to support the commitment of the three keys to advanced correctional facilities. First, early detection of security and order disturbances, especially before Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Furthermore, eradicating drugs and building synergy with the TNI-Polri. "Alhamdulillah, from several samples taken at random, all urine tests were negative for narcotics," he said.

Head of the Rantau Rutan Andi Hasyim added, to maintain conduciveness, his party conducts examinations eight times a month.

"Now, the residents of Rantau Rutan are 311 people and 70 percent are narcotics cases. Alhamdulillah, it's conducive," he said.

The activity, he said, was safe and orderly. Items from the raid will be destroyed. The examination by Satops Patnal Pas was also carried out in several other places in South Kalimantan.