Unesa East Java Students Bring Home Prizes Of IDR 175 Million For Police Demonstration Oration Competition

JAKARTA - Students of the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) won first place in the 2021 National Police Chief's Cup Demonstration Oration Competition, defeating five finalists representing five zones of Indonesia, by bringing home prizes in the form of certificates and money worth Rp. 175 million.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that all participants in the Demonstration Oration Competition were good at expressing and expressing their opinions in public, making it difficult for the jury to choose a winner.

"We all saw in the show how to convey expressions, the delivery of messages was really touching. Of course it was a little difficult for the entire jury to determine which one was the winner," Sigit said at the closing of the National Police Chief's Cup Demonstration Oration Competition at the Proclamation Monument, Central Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

A total of six teams advanced to the central level to compete in the final of the 2021 National Police Chief's Cup Demonstration Oration Contest at the National Police Headquarters. These six teams are champions of a similar competition at the regional police level, representing the six zones of Indonesia.

These six teams beat 243 teams who registered themselves as contestants from all over Indonesia.

The National Police Chief appreciated the quality of the six teams in expressing and expressing their opinions in public. In line with the mandate of the Indonesian constitution which respects democratic freedom.

"It needs to be understood by the whole community, the Indonesian nation, of course, as well as all stakeholders, including the National Police, who are always dealing with demonstrations every day," said Sigit.

Sigit emphasized that if there are demonstrations that take place in accordance with statutory regulations, it is the obligation of all members of the National Police to ensure that the implementation of expressing opinions in public is carried out properly.

"My message is how in a democracy it is getting better day by day so the freedom to express criticism of aspirations can really work well," said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that several parties considered the National Police Chief's Cup Demonstration Oration Contest to be unusual and unnatural.

However, he appreciated the initiative of the National Police Chief and the staff who organized the competition, because it marked the National Police Chief's strong commitment to respecting human rights as part of the values of the constitution and legislation.

"But on the other hand, of course, as a dignified nation that upholds the values of democracy and Pancasila, demonstrations, speeches or whatever it is called should be carried out in a peaceful manner," said Damanik.

Meanwhile, Siffa Syina Dalila (22) a student at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya, said that the oration conveyed the issue of bullying and sexual violence against women and children.

Siffa said that their motivation for participating in the competition was because it was related to Human Rights Day, as well as many cases that were voiced by students and the public.

"Through this competition, this is the best way for us to voice our aspirations in a polite manner, indirectly educating the public, and we are also educated," said Siffa.

The second place winner in this competition was won by a team from East Nusa Tenggara who brought home a prize of Rp. 150 million, and the third place winner from a team from West Sumatra brought home a prize of Rp. 125 million.

Then the third hope winner was won by a team from East Kalimantan, entitled to a prize of Rp. 60 million, the second hope was won by the South Sulawesi team with a prize of Rp. 75 million and the first hope was won by the North Maluku team with a prize of Rp. 90 million.