Do Not Accept The Reprimand, The Man Looking For Second-hand Goods In Medan Beats 2 Kepling

MEDAN - A scavenger of used or bulky goods assaulted 2 Heads of the Environment (Kepling) on Jalan Brigadier Zein Hamid, Medan Johor District, Medan City.

The two victims were Abdul Hafiz (51) and Yusriandi Azlimansyah (42). Both are Kepling in Titi Kuning Village, Medan Johor District. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of MD have been detained at the Delitua Police.

The head of the Delitua Police, AKP Zulkifli Harahap, said in his statement that the incident began when the perpetrator was reprimanded by the victim while looking for used goods from plastic waste packages on the side of the road.

"The victim forbade the perpetrators to scramble the garbage because the plastic waste will later be scattered on the highway," said AKP Zulkifli, Friday, December 10.

Then the perpetrator felt offended and displeased resulting in an argument and a fight with the victim. The victim then contacted his friend who is also Kepling to come to the location.

"However, when the victim contacted his friend, the perpetrator hit victim Yusriandi. Not long after, the victim came to break up the commotion, but the perpetrator took a rock that was on the side of the highway and hit victim Abdul Hafiz's solar plexus until he fell," he said.

"Then the perpetrator attacked the victim Yusriandi by hitting the stone towards the victim's left temple," he continued.

As a result of the abuse, the victim reported it to the police. The police immediately went down and examined a number of witnesses.

"Furthermore, the perpetrators were taken to the command for further investigation," said AKP Zulkifli.