Wow! Cardano (ADA) Is Getting Prepared For The Age Of Quantum Computing

JAKARTA – Cardano developer (ADA) Charles Hoskinson is preparing ADA for the era of quantum computing. The reason is that quantum computers are claimed to be able to provide answers to problems that cannot be solved by classical computers used today. However, some people are worried that quantum computing could threaten the cryptocurrency industry.

NewsBtc reports that in a recent study by the Cardano Foundation and think-tank Z/YEN, it was only a matter of time. This study concludes how large-scale quantum computing will effectively undermine the security of public key cryptography.

This will have all sorts of different consequences for solutions built on this technology. It goes beyond cryptocurrency and blockchain as well. Most of the online communication services in the world rely on public key cryptography today.

The ADA plan was conveyed by Hoskinson through his YouTube channel. He explained that currently efforts are being made so that ADA can be immune from quantum attacks as reported by The DailyHodl.

“The first thing you need to do is model the algorithm we have against a quantum enemy. We've started that process, but it's not in scope for a delivery in 2022," Hoskinson said.

"But the knowledge is there, the people are there and if that's a priority for the next five years at Cardano, that's something that can be done."

The Cardano boss also mentioned that the plan does not necessarily make Cardano immune faster because of the significant exchange process.

“We came to the conclusion that mathematics and science are not what is needed to have an acceptable exchange. You don't want a system where, by adopting something to protect you from something 10 or 20 years in the future, you have to pay the price today."

Responding to the possibility of quantum computing threatening the crypto industry, Hoskinson explained that this threat has not become a real problem at this time because quantum computers do not exist today.

"It makes more sense to model all the theoretical properties you have to stick to and improve the area of the art of mathematics so we can be simpler at working with actually fixing quantum computer problems and that's what we did. and that is an academic exercise at the moment," said the Cardano boss.

"It's not a real problem today, it's not a problem. There is no working quantum computer that (could) pose a threat to any cryptographic system."

Reporting from NewsBtc, quantum computing is the next most plausible technological evolution. This allows for faster computations and unmatched processing power.

At the same time, quantum computing raises concerns for public key cryptography. Because cryptocurrencies and blockchain currently rely on this type of cryptography. Thus, to overcome problems that could potentially occur in the future, this stage is very important.

This seems to have been anticipated by the Cardano developers. This makes ADA one of the cryptocurrencies focused on developing quantum-resistance solutions. This particular cryptocurrency project prioritizes security and interoperability above anything else.