Everyone Supports The Rapists Of 12 Santriwati At Islamic Boarding Schools In Bandung Must Be Castrated, Will It Be Realized?

JAKARTA - Support for a teacher at a boarding school in Bandung who raped 12 female students -- some even gave birth -- to be castrated, continues to arrive. This time it came from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection.

Through the Deputy for Special Child Protection at the Ministry of PPPA, Nahar assessed that the accused in the rape case against 12 female students could be threatened with additional castration punishment in accordance with Article 81 paragraph 7 of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) Number 1 of 2016 which has been stipulated as Law (UU) Number 17 of 2016.

"We support the ongoing judicial process and encourage the application of strict and maximum penalties for defendants who have committed very heinous acts against children who want to get the best education," said Nahar in a press release, Jakarta, Friday, December 10, quoted from Antara.

The pesantren teacher in Cibiru, Bandung City, raped 12 female students for five years from 2016-2021. In fact, four female students gave birth to nine children.

In the ongoing trial, the defendant was suspected of violating Article 81 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 76D of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). ). The perpetrator faces a sentence of more than 5 years.

Nahar informed that currently the victim has received assistance from the Women and Children Protection Service Agency which is coordinated by the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) West Java.

"Special attention is given to psychosocial assistance so that child victims recover and can return to society," said Nahar.

Nahar asked all parties, including the media, to be careful in conveying information and not to stigmatize victims. According to him, victims have the right to protect their identity or privacy in order to avoid other bad impacts.

Nahar said cases of sexual violence in boarding educational institutions are very common.

The PPPA Ministry also expects serious preventive measures from all parties, both from the management of educational institutions and involving the supervision of parents and other parties.

It encourages every educational and care institution, including Islamic boarding schools, to have and implement standards of care for children under their responsibility.

"We also expect parents to participate in supervising their children who are placed in care or educational institutions and build intense communication with children as part of their parenting responsibilities that should not be left to these institutions," said Nahar.

Nahar said parenting institutions or Islamic boarding schools are required to provide orientation to students to protect themselves from all forms of violence and have access to report all forms of treatment received.