In January-November, Bangka Satpol PP Successfully Stopped Hundreds Of Illegal Activities Of Tin Ore Mining

BANGKA - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, from January to the end of November 2021 succeeded in stopping the activities of hundreds of illegal tin ore mines spread across eight sub-districts.

Head of Bangka Regency Satpol PP Kusyono Aditama said, during January-end November 2021, it was recorded that 200 illegal tin ore mining activities were stopped.

"Mining activities are generally in a number of prohibited locations, such as in watersheds, protected or production forest areas, near settlements and other prohibited areas," he said in Sungailiat, Antara, Friday, December 10.

He said the mining of tin ore was not licensed and its activities were carried out traditionally without any safety procedures. "Of the hundreds of tin ore mining activities that have been stopped, we have secured some of their work equipment as evidence," he said.

In handling illegal tin ore mining which is done traditionally by the community, he said, his party refers to public order regulations while handling legal issues is left to the police.

"I do not prohibit people from mining tin ore as long as the mining complies with applicable regulations, such as having to complete official permits and being in a designated mining area," he explained.

According to him, illegal tin ore mining not only has a negative impact on the environment but also has an impact on the safety of workers.

"We, together with the TNI and Polri, carry out continuous raids on illegal tin ore mining in a number of sub-districts," he said