Calls Islamic Boarding School Teacher Rape 12 Santriwati It's God's Destiny, Netizens Are Criticized: How Is Satan's Incitement Why Fate?

JAKARTA - The lecherous action of an Islamic boarding school teacher who molested 12 female students got the attention of Twitter netizens. Friday, December 10, the hashtag #satan took the top spot on the trending topic on the app with the blue bird symbol.

The anger of netizens was also poured out with tweets of criticism at the perpetrators. Not a few share the faces of the perpetrators who have the heart to carry out barbaric actions against their female students. From this case there were female students who were pregnant and gave birth.

It started with a tweet from the @Muhadkly**** account that said what was wrong with these female students. Even though they are wearing closed clothes, they are still victims of rape.

"What do you want to blame these female students on? Less alert? Not covered in clothes? Too trusting in men? Yo, holy people, waiting for moral lectures. You can also use implied poems. They really need it, right? " said @Muhadkly**** quoted Friday, December 10.

This tweet has been shared by more than 13,000 per day. Netizens strongly condemn the behavior of this lecherous Islamic boarding school teacher. "A fair law must be enforced, fed up with the monsters that have sprung up, insecurity haunts every corner of life. Women need a sense of security," replied the @Darmawan account *****

In addition to criticizing tweets, there were also netizens who said that what was experienced by the santriwati victim was a predetermined fate. This tweet received a negative response. How is it possible that the acts of harassment and rape of dozens of female students are called destiny?

"Wearing closed clothes is only part of the effort, mas and also the belief that God owns this body so that God has the right to regulate what is allowed and what is wrong, including how to dress. @rimy**** with the profile of the girl.

"Even though the lady is a woman, you know, it's sad to read, why do you have to blame fate? Why didn't you say that was the fault of the perpetrator's savage brain?," replied another netizen.

"The perpetrator is wrong and depraved, I'm not saying the perpetrator is not wrong. Only in interpreting a bad event that happened to us, we have to remember Allah, madam, everything happened with Allah's permission, yes, we really need a process to be sincere and accept bad fate which God gave us," replied the @rimy **** account.

The @rimy**** tweet was then uploaded again by the @tubirfess account. His tweet also contains criticism, why God is always used as a shield from bad things.

"I'm surprised at you, since when did the behavior that was clearly instigated by the devil turned into destiny from God? Don't worry about it being related to religion, even though the perpetrators themselves have violated God's obligations to maintain lust," replied @tubirfess.

The case began to be revealed since a report was made around May 2021 to the West Java Regional Police. After that, the report is followed up with investigations and investigations until the case file is complete and transferred to the prosecutor's office.

From this case, it is known that a teacher committed immoral acts to 12 female students. There are even female students who are pregnant and have given birth to several children.