The National Police Chief Changes Dittipidkor To The Corruption Eradication Corps
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will make changes to the Directorate of Corruption Crimes (Dittipikor). Changes were made to form the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortas).
"In the future, we are currently making changes to the Dittipikor. We will become Kortas Corruption," said the National Police Chief at the National Police Headquarters, Thursday, December 9.
Kortas will be filled with several divisions or deputies. Starting from prevention to prosecution of criminal acts of corruption.
"In it stand complete divisions ranging from prevention of cooperation to prosecution," said General Sigit.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the division leadership in Kortas would be filled by a one-star general or Brigadier General. Meanwhile, the leadership of Kortas will be filled with a two-star general or Inspector General.
"It will be improved later, so it won't be one star later on two stars (led by Kortas)," said Dedi.
In addition, in the working process Kortas is not under Kabareskrim. Instead, it is directly controlled by the Chief of Police.
"Later he (Kortas) is the same as Densus 88, still under the National Police Chief," said Dedi.