BPBD: Rob Flood In West Bangka Submerged 480 Houses

WEST BANGKA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands noted that the tidal flood (rob) that occurred today submerged as many as 480 houses in four locations.

"We recorded that as many as four residential areas were submerged in water due to today's tidal flood, namely in Belolaut, Telukrubiah Village, Tanjunglaut and in Ulu Village. All of them are in the Mentok District area," said Head of BPBD West Bangka Regency, Achmad Nursyandi, quoted by Antara, Thursday. , December 9th.

He explained, for Telukrubiah village, 60 houses were recorded that were submerged in water, while in Ulu Village 10 houses, Tanjunglaut 392 houses and in Belaut Village 18 houses were submerged in water.

The water level that submerged the four locations was an average of about 50 to 100 centimeters and lasted from noon to the evening as the tide came in.

"Water enters the settlements and houses of residents because of the heavy and long-lasting rain that has occurred for three days, plus high tides. Today's incident has the same pattern as what happened the day before, so when the tide drops, the water in the settlements also follows. shrink," he said.

Until now, the Babel Province BPBD team, West Bangka Regency BPBD, TNI, West Bangka Police and a joint team from other agencies are still carrying out their duties to help residents at the scene.

Residents are advised to remain vigilant and ready to face similar incidents that may still occur in the next few days.

"Take anticipation so that this annual disaster does not cause casualties and minimizes the loss of property prices for local residents," he said.

In addition, the joint team also conducted data collection in which 1,535 people were directly affected by the incident, namely 1,176 people from Tanjunglaut Village, 120 people from Ulu Village, 185 people from Telukrubiah and 54 people from Belolaut.

In handling the affected residents, the Department of Social Affairs, Community Empowerment and Villages of West Bangka Regency has prepared a public kitchen and a number of government and private agencies have also voluntarily donated various basic foodstuffs to be managed by public kitchen staff.

To assist the operation of the public kitchen, the PT Timah (Persero) Metallurgical Unit Mentok Employee Association has prepared logistical assistance, in the form of 400 chicken eggs, five liters of cooking oil, instant noodles and hundreds of ready-to-eat packaged rice.

A number of private companies, agencies, organizations and community groups are still distributing aid for various basic foodstuffs for the operation of public kitchens to help the residents' food needs.